از ۶ دسامبر داشتن مدرک زبان برای متقاضیان کبک الزامی شد
05 دسامبر 2011 - 17:02
بازدید 739

علی مختاری؛ بر اساس اعلامیه رسیده از دفتر اداره مهاجرت کبک از امروز داشتن گواهی زبان فرانسه و در صورت نیاز به امتیاز انگلیسی؛ گواهی زبان انگلیسی الزامی است. این قاعده شامل پرونده هایی است که از ۵ دسامبر به بعد به پست تحویل شده اند. متن خبر را در سایت مهاجرت کبک بخوانید از […]

ارسال توسط :

علی مختاری؛

بر اساس اعلامیه رسیده از دفتر اداره مهاجرت کبک از امروز داشتن گواهی زبان فرانسه و در صورت نیاز به امتیاز انگلیسی؛ گواهی زبان انگلیسی الزامی است. این قاعده شامل پرونده هایی است که از ۵ دسامبر به بعد به پست تحویل شده اند. متن خبر را در سایت مهاجرت کبک بخوانید

از این پس تنها پرونده هایی می تواند بدون داشتن مدرک زبان وارد سیستم رسیدگی شوند که در مرحله اول رسیدگی اولیه Lexamen Preliminaire بدون در نظر گرفتن امتیاز زبان و نیز امتیاز انطباق پذیری؛ متقاضی مجرد ۴۹ امتیاز و متاهل ۵۷ امتیاز در سبد خود داشته باشد.

ناگفته روشن است که شرط قبولی پرونده با در نظر گرفتن حداکثر ۶ امتیاز انطباق پذیری دریافت امتیاز ۵۵ برای افراد مجرد و ۶۳ برای افراد متاهل است. 

اگر مدرک زبان ندارید تنها در صورتی پرونده خود را بفرستید که بدون نمره زبان و انطباق پذیری ۴۹ امتیاز و یا ۵۷ امتیاز را در سبد خود داشته باشید در این صورت در فرمها نیز باید آپشن عدم ارسال مدرک زبان را انتخاب کنید.

ترجمه انگلیسی این اطلاعیه را در زیر بخوانید:


Implementation of mandatory use
Tests of language skills

This is to inform you that as of December ۵, ۲۰۱۱, all new applicants for immigration of skilled workers subcategory requiring more points to the knowledge of French (principal applicant and spouse) and the English (principal applicant only), will now have to demonstrate their skills in oral expression and comprehension by introducing mandatory at the time of their application, the results of a literacy test conducted at an institution recognized by the Ministry of Immigration and Cultural Communities (MICC).

The mandatory use of tests of language skills is coherent with the desire Ministerial demonstrated in recent years to standardize the quality and rigor of immigration procedures, including following the Auditor General&#۳۹;s report of ۲۰۱۰ which recommended Ministry to implement the necessary processes to ensure compliance and fairness of decisions in immigration cases.

Indeed, in addition to optimizing the selection practices of the Department, standardized tests provide candidates with an accurate, consistent and fair to their language skills in French and English.

The use of tests of language skills also gives candidates a fast access to means of evaluation, more autonomy in managing their records and the ability to respond more quickly to all the selection criteria. Finally, a rigorous assessment of language skills early in the process ensures a better planning service offering French language, in line with the needs of candidates, on their arrival in Quebec.

Test scores of language skills recognized by the Ministry thus become the only means of assessing language skills of potential immigrants for Applications for Selection Certificate (DCS) to be filed on or after December ۵, ۲۰۱۱. These results, as proof of language skills, will now be required for a DCS to be considered complete, otherwise it will be returned to sender. Candidates who do not wish that the Department take into account their skills in French or English in the evaluation of their application must specify in their application by checking the box provided for this purpose in the DCS. They will then not be required to submit the test results they will get no points and the test of knowledge of the language in question.

Applications received by the Department before December ۵, ۲۰۱۱ they are covered by the new requirement?
No. The new requirement will not be applied retroactively. However, to maximize the benefits of this new approach, the Department will propose to all applicants whose applications were received by December ۵, ۲۰۱۱ to provide language test accepted to confirm their level of proficiency in French and English (if applicable).The use of tests of language skills could benefit the candidate, as this may expedite the processing of the application.

What will happen to the applications received in the days after December ۵, ۲۰۱۱ that do not conform to the new requirement?

To ensure a transition courteous to its customers, the Department planned not to return to the DSC candidates that would be being processed at postal December ۵, ۲۰۱۱, and thus received in one of the immigration offices of the Ministry in the following days. However, under the new requirement, the candidates will be invited to complete their applications by providing us in the coming months, the results of a literacy test recognized by the Department.

This transition period passed, any new DSC must necessarily be accompanied by the results of a literacy test recognized by the Department to be considered complete, otherwise it will be returned to sender.

Are there exceptions for applicants from countries a French or English?

For consistency of practices and fairness to all candidates skilled workers, this requirement applies equally to all, without exception with regard to their country of birth, citizenship or residence.

Candidates from francophone and anglophone countries, single or multiple nationality, are distributed worldwide. Therefore, it would be arbitrary and possibly inequitable to create an exception based on country of residence or nationality.

For people who want fast French official confirmation of their level, it is recommended to opt for Quebec versions of tests (and TCFQ TEFAQ), shorter, including widely available in France and well tailored to the selection of potential immigrants in Quebec.

All the necessary details as well as the list of approved centers for procurement language proficiency tests approved by the Ministry, French and English, will be available from December ۵, ۲۰۱۱ on the website of Immigration-Québec: http: / / www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/fr/immigrer-installer/travailleurs-permanents/index.html

Robert Baril
Assistant Deputy Minister for Immigration

December ۵, ۲۰۱۱



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  • دیدگاه های ارسال شده توسط شما، پس از تایید توسط تیم مدیریت در وب منتشر خواهد شد.
  • پیام هایی که حاوی تهمت یا افترا باشد منتشر نخواهد شد.
  • پیام هایی که به غیر از زبان فارسی یا غیر مرتبط باشد منتشر نخواهد شد.

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